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作者:作文在线  作文来源:本站原创  更新时间:2010-11-1  

对于同学们来说,NBA赛事肯定比英语作文更吸引,但如果让你用英语写一篇有关NBA的作文,你会写吗,今天,全世界都期待的NBA FINALS终于在打响了。湖人借着自己的主场氛围以及强大的气势一举压制着绿军,使他们全场都无翻身之力。写好关于NBA的英语作文需要一定的英语基础还要懂得篮球哦:

Now, any Lakers fans within earshot probably had one dour thought bouncing around their now-fried brains: "Crap! So this is Ron-Ron, the whacky son of the Queensbridge Projects. The man who defies logic, usually, stares directly into the sun, probably, and plays basketball, sometimes. He's all ours now. And we're screwed."

But anyone who might have been listening carefully, anyone who stuck around to hear the rest, heard Artest say this, too: "I'm here in L.A. for one thing and one thing only: to win a championship for the Lakers. I won't let my guys down. I won't screw this up."

Fast-forward to the night of June 17, 2010. The night the defending champion's only new acquisition of the offseason propelled L.A., almost single-handedly, to a Game 7 title-clinching NBA Finals victory over their hated rivals, the Boston Celtics. The night their newcomer hugged the Larry O'Brien trophy at his locker while crying and jabbering and laughing like a loon before authoring the most delightfully oft-kilter postgame press conference anyone can recall.

The night Ron Artest became legend.

Since then, Artest has basked in the spotlight and reveled in the perks that come with a title win in Los Angeles. From a post-win visit to Hollywood hot spot Wonderland while dressed in his game uniform, to a rap performance at Powerhouse in Anaheim on Saturday night, to a hosting gig at his own party at La Cienega's 650 early Sunday morning, the Lakers swingman has made this much clear: Mr. Artest will enjoy this victory, thank you very much.


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